Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Days and Sundays...

Didn't sleep much at all last night. Watching the hours slip by on a digital clock is singularly dissatisfying. I threw the covers off and pulled them up over me again and again and tried not to disturb the cat sleeping on my feet. I  finally fell asleep at daylight. When I woke up, it was raining and the cat was gone. It's raining still. Days like these, I wander around unable to concentrate, awash in regret and vague longings, with fantasies of running away to somewhere with sun and laughter and endless possibility.


  1. Meanwhile, husband slept the deep slumber of the medicated, quietly unaware of the existential drama going on just feet away. He woke up with a vague craving for biscuits that would not be satisfied that day.

  2. Try magnesium oil rubbed on your lower legs at bedtime. It works wonderfully and also helps with mood! Getting a decent night's sleep also helps with mood. It's a sleepy weekend to be sure.
